Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The time has come...

Okay my friends it is high time I take off the gloves and really speak to the coming events unfolding before us. I have one desire and that is to show all those I come in contact with how they can be saved. You say from, "What"? The Bible says from sin. But let us not get ahead of ourselves. In my previous posts I told you a couple of stories, one of my testimony the other of a fellow service member who gave his life to Christ. Truth is there have been so many things happen like this since I have been saved it would take a lifetime to tell them all, therefore, I want to get to the heart of the matter. The question that started this whole blog, "What would it take.."?

What would it take for you to believe that the contents of the Bible is true and has been proven time and time again and will continue to be so. Would physical evidents help? Would archaeological events prevail? Seriously, what would do it for you? Would current events predicted in the Bible do it? I don't ask lightly as I am truly burdened for your souls and where you will spend eternity. Eternity, that's a lofty word. Do you actually grasp how long eternity is? I describe it like this, "Eternity - Picture the Earth and Moon as they are suspended in space and between them a large metal ball about the size of a basketball. Now picture all the grains of sand on a glistening white tropical beach. Imagine a small hummingbird picking up a grain of sand from that beach and flying up into the heavens to deposit this grain of sand upon the moon. As the hummingbird passes the steel ball he brushes the downy part of his feathers against the ball touching it ever so gently. He deposits the sand on the moon and returns to Earth for another grain of sand once again touches the steel ball with the downy part of his wings. The hummingbird does this until the steel ball is all but a faint glimmer in the heavens and fades away. In the time it took for this to happen eternity hasn't even started." That is how I define eternity. You my friend are facing an eternity somewhere, be it Heaven or Hell. There are no other destinations. Just as God created the physical laws of our universe such as action and reaction, light and dark, what goes up must come down, so He has created a Heaven and a Hell.

With that said, I press on with my answers to your unasked question, "What would it take..."?

Let us start with current events. The Bible predicted several events would take place signifying the end of times where near. They include, but are not limited to the following:

1. Israel would become a nation.
2. The earth would increase in seismic, atmospheric and heavenly activity.
3. Nations would rise against nations.
4. Famine.
5. Pestilences.
6. World powers would unite in a common cause.
7. People would worship the creation of God more than God himself.
8. Children would become disobedient and lawless. Killing their own parents and despising authority.
9. Nations would gather against Israel to take her as prey.
10. Evil would be called good and good would be called evil.
11. The faith of many would wax cold.
12. The Church of Christ would be persecuted.
13. Wars and rumors of wars.
14. Economic failures leading to a world financial system.
15. Men's hearts failing them for fear.

As I said these are but a handful of the prophecies of the Bible that I hope to unfold for you that you might see the truth contained therein and give your life to Christ before the clock stops ticking. As you see God will not always strive with men (Gen 6:3). There is coming a judgement day. Let he who has eyes see and let he who has ears hear. You will have to tune in for the first installment of this study into current events. Don't let time run out on you.

1 comment:

  1. I think I said this before and I ask this of all people whom I speak with.

    What have you done for Jesus today!!

    Jesus asked us one small question while among us.

    Luke 18:8  I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?


Thank you for your comments.