Monday, June 8, 2009

What would it take.........?

For some time I've been thinking about what it would take to convince the average person that Jesus exists and that what is said in the Bible is true. For years I've been a witness to the gospel, as my family can attest too. I've driven my brother over the edge many a time and my father and I have had many a lively discussion; all of which I loved by the way. That aside, I've been troubled as to the amount of resistance that I have encountered when I bring up the things of God and try to show others the truth of the scriptures. So, I have been praying and asking God for guidance in this matter. 

Thus my question, "What would it take for you to believe?" Is it such a difficult question, I don't think so? Though I do remember my own reservations in trusting things said to me by other would be Christians. The hypocrisy I had witnessed growing up, how one could live like the devil all week long then confess my sins to someone as guilty as I, only to rinse and repeat. There was never, as far as I could see, any real change in who I was or how I acted, or them for that matter. 

I then wondered along through life trying to figure it all out on my own. It wasn't until I found, or should I say, when Jesus found me, that the truth was finally revealed to me. The scriptures are right when they say, "The truth shall set you free." On January 31st, 1991, I was born again in a small Baptist church outside Alamogordo, New Mexico. I will never forget the day or the feelings I had as long as I live. I think my parents and all who know me will agree it was a life changing experience. 

What was it that convinced me to come to Jesus, you ask? What turned the tide in my life and my quest for the truth. Well it was God for sure. Why God, you ask? Well, I remember walking into this small church with a chip on my shoulders the size of a redwood and I was drawing a line in the sand with God. All my life I had been told by my religion that Baptists where evil and misguided folks and not to be trusted. So I said as I sat in the pews, "God if you want me to be a Baptist you better show me why." 

To this day I still cringe at what I had said and to whom I had said it. But of a sincere heart I wanted to know, I longed for the truth. It was at that moment that God looked down from Heaven and with a hand of love lead me on this adventure that now is my life. As you will see, the Pastor got up in his pulpit and said that he was awakened early in the morning and could not get back to sleep and was troubled about the Sunday School lesson he had prepared. He said, "I prayed for a while and then headed over to the parsonage to look over my notes one last time." 

It was at that moment that the Holy Spirit spoke to his heart and said, "You need to review the 50 scriptural reasons why we are Baptists." He said he struggled with the Spirit's leading, as the small church he pastored was a flock of born again Baptist believers. What possible good would a lesson on the where's and why's of salvation and being a Baptist be to them. None the less he gave into the Spirit's leading and embarked on a four week study through the scriptures on why they are Baptists. 

Remember folks, I had never set foot in that church before this day. I had passed it many times dropping my step children off at school, but never had I entered. This pastor didn't know me from Adam. So, there I sat, dumbfounded at what the pastor had just said. I could feel the weighty finger of God sticking right in my chest. I guess it was God's play on the game of truth or dare. I listened to every word that came from the preachers mouth as I feed on this new found knowledge. Soon, the time had come for their usual invitation to be saved. I resisted, no way was I going to walk up in front of all these people and embarrass myself, uh uh, NO WAY! 

Four weeks this went on, until the last Sunday of the series when the pastor gave a summon on Hell. It was God's coup de grace, for there I sat filled with the truth and left to make my own decision. Was this all a bunch of bunk, or was it God giving me a chance at a new life. Well folks, the invitation came and I was on my way to the front of the church to ask God for his forgiveness before I knew what I was doing. My legs pretty much said to the rest of my body, "We are going for it." The rest is history so to speak.

So now I ask you, "What would it take for you to believe?" Would it take fire coming from the sky? Handwriting on the wall? A spirit or an angel to stand before you and proclaim God's grace? Seriously, what would it take? Well, it is my hope that through the pages of this blog I might be able to, with the help of God's grace to peel back the veil of your mind and show you the same truth that has set me free. I hope you will come back and listen as the tale unfolds as I believe my friends, there isn't much time, the hour is at hand.

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