Had an opportunity to discuss my faith with a friend. It was a good talk. I've posted a section from our conversation below.
As you know I've never push what I believe on you or anyone I've talked with. It is a personal choice people have to make. I don't like it when someone tries to push what they believe on anyone. It just gives we Christians a bad name. That said, one side or the other is going to be right in the end. For me it works out like this. After getting saved I haven't had to give up much in the way of living my life. I do have a different out look on certain things, but all-in-all I live and let live and I am having a great time. I don't feel I've lost out on anything in my life because of my decision and in the end I have an eternal home in Heaven. And if I'm wrong, I just don't have Heaven in the end, but I did have a really good life. On the other hand, if I am right, those who choose not to believe have this life and what they can get from it and for the most part it will be good. But, their end is an eternity in Hell. Yeah I know, Hell is an offensive word, but it does exist just as much as Heaven. You can't have one without the other. That said, people are free to chose what path they want. Even God left that choice up to Adam and Eve. They ended up not choosing wisely, but God didn't jump down from Heaven and hammer them for their mistake. Instead, he made provisions for their mistake (sin) by sending Christ to make it right. Growing up my outlook on Christians was not good. I saw them as hypocrites and judgmental. If you look at the older posts on my blog you can see some of the things about that (http://ramblinrandy.blogspot.com). All I know is, on January 15, 1991 my life was changed and has never been the same. I was blind and now I see. I only tell you all this because you are a friend and I don't want you to miss out on what I have come to know. Too often people get the wrong impression of what being a Christian is all about (because of some within the faith that feel it is their duty to rub your nose in it so to speak). It isn't a bunch of rules, "don't do this and don't do that", but a personal relationship with our Creator and that is it. Accepting his gift (payment) for our mistakes (sins) is all there is to it. God wants nothing more from us than a relationship. The same as we desire from those around us. As I said earlier, "too many zealous Christians have marred this simplicity with their own warped values". If God took this same approach we'd all be fried by lightning :). But, alas, He is merciful and long suffering and cares for us in ways we can't begin to understand. Well, I have run on long enough and don't want to sound like I'm preaching at you. Talk at you later.
I hope this was a blessing to you as you talk with folks about Jesus.
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