Watching the news unfold of the historic earthquake in Haiti, I am reminded of how quickly our time here on earth can come to an end. In less that 20 seconds the lives of tens of thousands of people were simply erased off the face of the earth. They had no time to contemplate their fates or to give any thought to whether or not there even is an eternity. They were simply gone. Which brings me to the point of this post. How is it with you? Are you ready for that day when you too will be ushered into eternity? Will you be ready? The truth is you don't know when that time will be, no more than the people in Haiti. One minute you are sitting there sipping your coffee, or reading the paper waiting for the bus, or dropping your kids off at school, or standing in line at the grocery store to purchase some milk. Then suddenly without warning, a flash of light and you are standing in the presence of your Creator. No more time to decide what you believe or not, at this point it is too late. You see the Bible is very clear, if you haven't made up your mind to accept Christ's offer of salvation prior to departing this earth then you are condemned (John 3:16 - 18). All that is left is for God to carry out your sentencing. For the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23) and an eternity in a place called Hell.
So my friend, if you haven't stopped what you are doing and gotten this one question answered about your eternity you need to do it now. Have you accepted Christ's forgiveness for your sins and placed your trust in Him as your only means to Heaven? If not, you need to do so now because in twenty seconds it could be too late...the clock is ticking. Don't wait until it's too late.